In the heart of the English countryside, a skeptical Inspector Holloway arrives to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a beloved movie star. His first stop is the local police station, where he seeks information about the house where the star had been staying, eager to collect the keys for an immediate inspection. However, he quickly encounters resistance from the local constable, who insists that the house itself is to blame for the actor's vanishing act. The constable's claims are further bolstered by a real estate agent who joins the conversation, both weaving a tale of eerie occurrences and strange happenings tied to the property. They recount the unsettling experiences of three previous guests, each of whom encountered inexplicable phenomena during their stay, leading to their own mysterious departures. As Holloway delves deeper into the investigation, he must navigate the thin line between skepticism and belief, challenging the town’s superstitions while uncovering the truth behind the enigmatic house where blood runs thick and secrets linger. Will the inspector unravel the mystery, or will he too fall victim to the house's dark allure?

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